Additional Listing Announcement /Subdivision Of Shares



1. Details of Corporate Proposal

Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ? No
Types of corporate proposal Conversion of Preference Shares
Details of corporate proposal Conversion of Irredeemable Convertible Preference Shares
No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal 68,307,939
Issue price per share ($$) Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)   0.8250
Par Value($$) (if applicable)  
Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
Units 1,430,927,289
Issued Share Capital ($$) Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 693,068,566.075
Listing Date 06 Oct 2022


Remarks :

A total of 68,307,939 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company were issued pursuant to the mandatory conversion of 683,079,390 ICPS to 68,307,939 ordinary shares by way of conversion of ten (10) ICPS in exchange for one (1) new ordinary share.

The entitlement of 8 fractional ICPS to the ordinary shares of the Company by way of mandatory conversion was disregarded and no refund or credit, whether in the form of the ICPS, cash or otherwise, shall be given in respect of the disregarded fractional entitlement, pursuant to the Company's Constitution.

Announcement Info

Stock Name TITIJYA
Date Announced 04 Oct 2022
Category Additional Listing Announcement /Subdivision of Shares
Reference Number ALA-03102022-00003