Change in Audit Committee



Date of change 31/07/2014
Name Y. Bhg. Laksamana Tan Sri Dato' Sri Mohd Anwar Bin Hj Mohd Nor (Bersara)
Age 64
Nationality Malaysian
Type of change Appointment
Designation Member of Audit Committee
Directorate Independent & Non Executive
Qualifications Y. Bhg. Laksamana Tan Sri Dato' Sri Mohd Anwar Bin Hj Mohd Nor (Bersara)("Laksamana Tan Sri") received his early education at the Naval Base Secondary School, Singapore, he attended the Officer Cadet School at the Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth, England, from 1 September 1968. He graduated from the Naval Staff College Rhode Island, USA class 18 in 1981 and Joint Services Staff College in Canberra, Australia in 1988. He also attended the Defence Resource Management Course in Monterrey, Naval Post Graduate School, USA in 1995. He hold a masters degree in Engineering Business Management from University of Warwick, United Kingdom. As a recognition of his Leadership and Management contributions he was conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Doctor of Management by the Universiti Terengganu Malaysia. 
Working experience and occupation Laksamana Tan Sri served the Royal Malaysian Navy for thirty-eight (38) and a half years, commanded six (6) ships and also several Shore Bases. He rose to the rank of Admiral and took office as Chief of Navy on August 2003 and later became the first Naval Officer to assume the post of the Chief of Defence Force in April 2005 until 2007.

He is currently appointed as the Chairman of Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (Armed Forces Fund Board) since 2007. Currently , he is also the Chairman of National Defence University Board, Chairman of Asian Broadcasting Network, Chairman of Central Management Catalogue Agency Sdn Bhd and as a director of a few private limited companies.

In 2013, Laksamana Tan Sri was elected as the President of the Ex-Serviceman Association Malaysia (NGO) and continues to be President of Retired Malaysian Navy Officers’ Association (RMNOA).  
Directorship of public companies (if any) None 
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer None 
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer None 
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries None 
Composition of Audit Committee (Name and Directorate of members after change) 1. Chin Kim Chung
(Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Director)

2. Y. Bhg. Laksamana Tan Sri Dato' Sri Mohd Anwar Bin Hj
Mohd Nor (Bersara)
(Member, Independent Non-Executive Director)

3. Dato' Ch'ng Toh Eng
((Member, Independent Non-Executive Director)

Remarks :
Gender : Male


Announcement Info

Stock Name TITIJYA    
Date Announced 31 Jul 2014  
Category Change in Audit Committee
Reference No CS-140723-54556